Thanksgiving is only 2 days away! To celebrate this day I donated 

more than 50 cans to the Salvation Army for a food drive we were 

doing at school. Now that the first part of the TG to-do list is done 

time to move on to the second part: eating. Now as I said in a 

previous post I wanted to make pumpkin donuts one day (still 

waiting) and it might be next month (hopefully).

This might not be a donut but it's pumpkin (from here)

Anyways back to reality, let's talk about the food I'm going to devour on TG. 

I'm going to be making my famous rice dressing as well as some macaroni and

cheese topped with bacon, while my dad is smoking the meat and my ma' is 

well doing what she does best supervising. That's all for this post check back 

to see the wonderful food I cook as well as recipes.

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